Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chiropractic and Nutrition

It's hard these days to know who to believe when it comes to diet and nutrition advice. Some say low carb. Others counter with whole grain. And there's everything in between. The same goes with supplements. How do we even know what to take, let alone know what brands are reliable? Should we be taking supplements at all? And don't chiropractors just treat back and neck pain? Why would a chiropractor know about any of this stuff?

These questions and many more permeate the collective conscience of the community at large that are seeking to lose weight, get off of medications, and feel better. And I've got a little secret for you: a good chiropractor knows much more than you would think about these subjects. Chiropractors don't prescribe. As a result, we don't take a heck of a lot of pharmacology classes (one of the many reasons I tell my colleagues that we aren't qualified to enter the debate about vaccinations, but I digress), but we do take quite a bit of nutrition. One of the reasons for this is that the consequences of inflammation from a poor diet are often manifested in the form of low back pain. If I can't help people get to the root cause of their pain then I'm not really helping with anything other than symptomatic relief. For me, those classes were a great revelation. I ate it up, if you'll pardon the pun. And as a result, at 40 years of age I'm healthier than I ever was in my 20's. I had the bonus of being instructed by one of the most well known authorities on clinical nutrition, Dr. David Seaman. Don't tell him, but I recorded every lecture, and have listened to them all multiple times.

Chiropractic as a profession is moving toward an evidence based paradigm. And Dr. Seaman is leading the charge when it comes to nutrition. As a result, I have literally hundreds of papers to back up my nutrition recommendations to go along with the self-experimentation I've been up to for years now. These recommendations have helped people lose weight to be sure, but even more gratifying are the cases of ulcerative colitis, IBS, acid reflux, and joint and muscle pain that have resolved or gone into remission after starting my program. And I use the word "program" loosely, as it's more of a sustainable way of eating that I advocate than a "follow these three easy steps" kind of program.

If you're ready to make a change, give us a call at Green Chiropractic. 832-203-5884. You can learn more about what we do at our website:

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