Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Is It Fish Oil, or Dessert?

Many people, myself included, aren't big fans of the occasional fishy belch that comes after the morning fish oil capsules go down the hatch. I've written about the merits of fish oil consumption before, and now I'm happy to report that there's a new way to get all that goodness in you. And it tastes like lemon pudding. I have a taster open here at the office if you don't believe me. I can't detect one single molecule of fish flavor, and a measly two teaspoon of the stuff gives you 360 mg each of DHA (neuro-protective and thus good for your brain). and EPA (straight up anti-inflammatory). There are also some omega 9's in there, which are good for joint health and a cornerstone of what's good with the Mediterranean diet that gets so much press these days.

So please read my previous fish oil article, and then come by Green Chiropractic to test taste this stuff. Bonus: it's made by Anabolic Labs, which is the only supplement manufacturer in the known universe that also makes pharmaceuticals, so the level of quality and purity doesn't get any better. And did I mention it tastes like lemon pudding?